.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- .. _LDAC_tables: ================================= LDAC - Special LDAC Table Names ================================= .. note:: The concrete examples on this page use the LDAC catalogue `D1_r_sex.cat <../_static/D1_r_sex.cat>`_. A tar archive with the complete set of LDAC Tools example files is `here <../_static/LDAC_Tools_Examples.tgz>`_ The LDAC format treats several table names specially. Two pairs are **very** important for each user of the LDAC tools. The *LDAC_IMHEAD* - *LDAC_OBJECTS* pair ======================================= The `SExtractor`_ program produces with ``(-CATALOGUE_TYPE FITS_LDAC)`` an LDAC objects catalogue. The objects data are stored in the *LDAC_OBJECTS* table. The *LDAC_IMHEAD* table is a large ASCII table with metadata such as the used SExtractor parameters and the image header. It can be displayed, but its individual entries cannot be accessed easily. :: user$ ldacdesc -i D1_r_sex.cat -t LDAC_IMHEAD ****** Key #1 Key name:...............Field Header Card Key comment:............ Key type:...............String Key dimension:..........2 (80 122) user$ ldactoasc -s -i D1_r_sex.cat -t LDAC_IMHEAD # 1 Field Header Card SIMPLE = T / written by IMCAT BITPIX = -32 / NAXIS = 2 / . . SEXFBUFS= 2048 / Image-buffer height (scanlines) SEXMWSCL= 4.345960617e-01 / Measurement-weight re-scaling factor SEXDWSCL= 1.078257799e+00 / Detection-weight re-scaling factor user$ ldactoasc -s -i D1_r_sex.cat -t LDAC_IMHEAD | fold | grep SEXMINAR SEXMINAR= 4 / Minimum area used for detection (pixels) Note the necessity of the :command:`fold` command in the last :command:`ldactoasc` call if you want to isolate a certain entry! Within :ref:`THELI` the *LDAC_OBJECTS* - *LDAC_IMHEAD* format is only used to perform astrometric calibration with Emmanuel Bertins `scamp`_ program. Otherwise, the :command:`ldacconv` program is used to transform the catalogue to the *FIELDS* - *OBJECTS* pair. The *FIELDS* - *OBJECTS* pair ============================= The *FIELDS* - *OBJECTS* pair of LDAC tables contains similar information as their *LDAC_IMHEAD* - *LDAC_OBJECTS* cousins. However, the *FIELDS* table is a regular binary table whose entries can be accessed and used in the standard way: :: user$ ldacconv > SYNTAX: ldacconv -b camera_number -c camera_name -f filter_name -i Catalog1 Catalog2 ... [-o Output_catalog] [options] user$ ldacconv -i D1_r_sex.cat -o D1_r_ldac.cat -b 1 -c MEGAPRIME -f r user$ ldacdesc -i D1_r_ldac.cat ------------------Catalog information---------------- Filename:..............D1_r_ldac.cat Number of segments:....3 . . ****** Table #2 Extension type:.........BINTABLE Extension name:.........OBJECTS . . ****** Table #3 Extension type:.........BINTABLE Extension name:.........FIELDS . . user$ ldacdesc -i D1_r_ldac.cat -t FIELDS ****** Key #1 Key name:...............OBJECT_POS Key comment:............Position of the first object from that field Key type:...............Long Int Key dimension:..........0 . . ****** Key #98 Key name:...............SEXMWSCL Key comment:............Measurement-weight re-scaling factor Key type:...............Double Key dimension:..........0 ****** Key #99 Key name:...............SEXDWSCL Key comment:............Detection-weight re-scaling factor Key type:...............Double Key dimension:..........0 user$ ldactoasc -i D1_r_ldac.cat -t FIELDS -k SEXSFWHM SEXSATLV # 1 SEXSFWHM Source FWHM used for measurements (arcsec) # 2 SEXSATLV Saturation level used for flagging (ADU) 0.7300000000 50000.00000 .. note:: #. Traditionally the arguments '-b', '-v' and '-f' **must** be given to :command:`ldacconv`. The provided values are transferred to the *FIELDS* tablebut, as far as we know, their contents can be chosen arbitrarily. #. Also for traditional reasons, the :command:`ldacconv` program translates several **important** keys when converting *LDAC_OBJECTS* to *OBJECTS*. Those are: +-----------------------------+-----------+ | SExtractor / LDAC_OBJECTS | OBJECTS | +=============================+===========+ | NUMBER | SeqNr | +-----------------------------+-----------+ | X_IMAGE | Xpos | +-----------------------------+-----------+ | Y_IMAGE | Ypos | +-----------------------------+-----------+ | A_IMAGE | A | +-----------------------------+-----------+ | B_IMAGE | B | +-----------------------------+-----------+ | THETA_IMAGE | Theta | +-----------------------------+-----------+ | ISOAREA_IMAGE | NPIX | +-----------------------------+-----------+ | FLAGS | Flag | +-----------------------------+-----------+ .. warning:: #. Do not manipulate the *FIELDS* table manually. It is closely linked to the *OBJECTS* table and it is used for important, internal bookkeeping! Programs that manipulate the *OBJECTS* table in a significant way such as :command:`ldacpaste` or :command:`ldacsplit` ensure the integrity of *FIELDS*! #. Do not use the :command:`ldacrentab` command to rename an LDAC table to one with the special names given above, especially **NOT** to an *OBJECTS* table! The non-presence of a well formatted *FIELDS* table often leads to difficult to spot errors in subsequent processing! It is similarily bad to rename special LDAC tables to something else. .. include:: links.txt