.. THELI documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Feb 16 13:18:00 2010. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. ================================= Welcome to THELI's documentation! ================================= Publicly Available Data Processing Software =========================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 THELI -- command line script-based pipeline version CFHT_dataquery -- data query and interactive data retrieval from the CFHT archive AUTOMASK -- automatic masking of 'defects' in optical CCD data THELI Documentation and Tutorials **!!(UNDER HEAVY CONSTRUCTION)!!** ==================================================================== The following sections describe the usage of THELI with the processing of data from the `WFI\@ESO/MPG2.2m `_ telescope at La Silla. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 THELI -- General Concepts THELI -- the WFI test data set THELI -- Instrument setup THELI -- Image Header THELI -- glossary of frequently used terms A Short LDAC Tools Guide ======================== THELI uses a *very-close* to `FITS`_ tables format as its primary catalogue format. The following pages briefly describe the format and the available program toolbox to access and manipulate LDAC catalogues. .. note:: #. The following pages refer to the LDAC tools *within* the THELI pipeline! In the meanwhile there are LDAC tools available from various sources. Those probably differ in functionality from the version described here! #. The prefered way to obtain the LDAC tools is to install them within THELI. For your convinience we offer here binary distributions for `32-bit <_static/ldactools-1.2.0_32-bit.tgz>`_ and `64-bit <_static/ldactools-1.2.0_64-bit.tgz>`_ Linux systems. #. We do not aim to provide a complete and exhaustive reference to the LDAC format. We limit the discussion on aspects and tools that are the most important in day-to-day work. A more complete and in-depth description can be found in `Erik Deuls Pipeline Documentation`__ #. As I (Thomas Erben) am not an original author of the LDAC tools, parts of the following descriptions are certainly not entirely correct. Please `email_me`_ any suggestions for improvements or criticism! __ LDAC_docu_ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 LDAC -- General Concepts LDAC -- Conversion from LDAC to ASCII and vice-versa LDAC -- Advanced LDAC Catalogue Manipulation LDAC -- Catalogue Matching LDAC -- Some Useful Tasks LDAC -- Special LDAC Table Names LDAC -- Access to LDAC Catalogues with External Tools .. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. include:: links.txt